Put Money Back in Your Budget
24/7 live support: any time, any topic, any person.
Any browser on any device, without the need for apps.
Personalize your preferences from set-up to interface.
Run reports on the fly, or set a date - go by your schedule.
24/7 Live Support
Any person in your organization, any hour of the day, any topic.
No other asset management software has their own in-house 24/7 support team like we do. Got a basic "how-to" question? Give us a call. No matter how simple or complex, we will do what it takes to help, including a live database assessment where we log directly in your system for a full diagnostic.
Simple Set-up and Maintenance
Manage textbooks just how you want.
Even if you don't have dedicated IT staff, Textbook Tracker was designed to be a breeze to set up, manage, and maintain. We're all about options − Do you prefer a Centralized or Distributed Inventory? Our Cloud-Hosted solution makes it as simple as possible to manage your assets your way in no time at all.
Web Based
Any browser on any device, without the need for apps
Textbook Tracker is a fully web-based software solution, and it’s all about working efficiently. Instead of using one app to circulate and one app to run reports, now you have the convenience of everything you need in one place, accessible on any internet-ready device.
Reports When You Decide
It's all up to you.
Whether you need information on the fly or want to set up a structured schedule, you make the call when it comes to reports.
Now you can have reports when you want them, not when it's convenient for your system. After all, asset software is supposed to be all about automation.